Thank you for your interest in our new and developing outdoor preschool class!
We are excited for the opportunities this will present for out students and families.
Take a few minutes and explore this page to find out more about Discovery Depot Forest School!
Learn Outdoors!
Parents have a variety of options for enrollment, both in our traditional program and outdoor program. If a child is attending Tuesday, Thursday mornings, they can stay after the morning class is dismissed, eat a packed lunch from home at our facility,
and be transported out to Edness K Wilkins State Park with the teachers by 1:00 PM. Parents will provide a booster seat that stays at school for the teachers to use in transporting. Parents will pick up from Edness K Wilkins at 4:00 PM.
If the child is enrolled in the afternoon program only, or comes to the traditional program on MWF mornings parents will meet us at Edness K Wilkins at 1:00 PM
For more information download the Forest School Handbook.

Tuesday & Thursday Afternoon Only
Edness K Wilkins State Park

All Day Tuesday & Thursday
Mornings at our traditional facilities
Afternoons at Edness K Wilkins State Park

Traditional Program M-F Mornings
Tuesday & Thursday Afternoons at
Edness K Willkins State Park
*Subject to change
Traditional Program
Morning Only
Tues & Thurs $135/mo
MWF $185/mo
Mon-Fri $275/mo
Outdoor Program
Afternoon Only
Tues & Thurs $225/mo
Tuesday & Thursday
All Day
Transportation Provided
Tues & Thurs $400/mo
MWF Traditional
Tues & Thursday Outdoor
No Transportation
Mon – Fri
Traditional +
Tues & Thurs
Transportation Provided
Edness K Wilkins
State Park
Our classroom is located in the beautiful Edness K Wilkens State Park where students can enjoy trails, trees, water and fun. Our outdoor classroom includes a shelter and access to bathrooms.

It is our firm belief that extended periods of time outdoors is beneficial to developing children (and everyone else.) We plan on meeting outside in all seasons. There will be instances where the weather is unsafe to stay outdoors for 3 hours and on those occasions we will have preschool at our traditional, indoor facility. We will communicate through Brightwheel if plans have changed for meeting outside.
Weather criteria for meeting indoors:
Temperature – windchill below 0 degrees F
Wind Speed – greater than 40 mph
Active Blizzard or Thunderstorm
In the event that a storm arises while preschool is in session, we will go to the Edness K Wilkins headquarters and shelter there until parents can come pick up children.
Quality gear and clothing will be essential for the kids to have a positive outdoor experience. Each student will need the following items:
Heavy Coat
Snow Pants (waterproof)
Snow Boots (rated for negative temperatures)
Gloves or Mittens
Neck Buff
Winter Hat
Long Underwear/Base Layers
Rain Pants
Rain Jacket
Rain Boots
Please consider purchasing higher quality items. Cheap boots and gloves that get wet or don’t work can make a cold day miserable. We will provide hand warmers if needed.
Expect that kids will come home dirty!
Children should bring a backpack everyday that has an extra set of clothes, water bottle, and sunscreen/bug repellent (when applicable, and a lunch if they are with us all day.
Preschool will provide a healthy snack each school day.
Ready to start your child’s adventure!
You can contact us by clicking the link below to view our contact info and message form.